Lessons & Tutoring Overview


Benefit from the experience of thousands of hours in the studio working with a wide array of sound sources, and gear. Learn to use different mics and techniques, signal flow, and how to approach tracking sessions from pre-pro to final edits to get professional quality recordings…


Have you ever wondered what it takes to make professional sounding records? A large part of it is how you treat the mix. During mix lessons practice with the various types of signal processors, and delve in to the the theories behind using them most effectively . Learn new and creative ways to take your mixes to the next level...


New to Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, Reaper or another software? You can't learn to build a house without understanding your tools, building sounds is the same. Take an in-depth look at DAWs and what goes in to operating them- computer set-up, navigation, "quick-keys" and special features...


Do you want to make your own tracks or help guide others to make theirs?  Learn how to put a record together from the arrangement to the instrument layers. Learn the tricks of the trade that take projects from demo quality to release ready. The only limit is what you can imagine...